Practice areas
Pro Bono
The Gałczyński Osowiecki Banasik LP law firm provides free-of-charge legal advice to people who cannot afford the costs of legal help but are in need of one.
The team of our legal firm engages in many social projects. Not only offer we free-of-charge legal advice to public benefit organisations but we also educate and financially support many charities.
Pro Bono
Stowarzyszenie Rannych i Poszkodowanych w Misjach Poza Granicami Kraju
We will provide free-of-charge legal help to the association and its members (over 300 war veterans), especially in the areas of administrative, criminal and civil law. The support will be also given to those who cannot afford to get any legal advice and will be recommended by the association.
The association was established in 2008 on the initiative of the active soldiers as well as reservists who have taken part in overseas operations and got injured there or have now problems deriving from the fact of being on such missions.
Pro Bono
Fundacja Pro-Am, implementing the „Mamo! Idę na boisko!”
The GOB team will provide free-of-charge legal help to children, especially in the areas of family and criminal law.
Thanks to the support of benefactors and sports partners, the foundation is able to aid children with difficult family situations in taking part in physical activities.
In the first three years of this initiative, the foundation was able to invite 177 children to many different sport classes. Plenty of tennis and squash players have engaged through the annual Warsaw Charity Cup tournament. The initiative has become more and more popular among individual benefactors as well as bigger companies. The ‘Mamo! Idę na boisko!’ initiative has been twice awarded in the S3KTOR 3.0 competition for the best non-governmental initiative in Warsaw and the Warsaw Charity Cup tournament was among semi-finalists of ‘Sports Startup Project’ competition.