Practice areas
Litigation & Trial
In order to accurately assess legal risks and choose the best strategy, we closely cooperate with our clients. We estimate the substance of the dispute to determine if a quick legal solution is possible. If a matter proceeds to trial, we fight decisively so that the end-result is beneficial to our client in all aspects.
Depending on the needs, we are able to give our best resources to the most demanding cases as well as use the knowledge and experience of our litigation stars. Our top priority in all cases is to ensure a fast and favourable settlement of a dispute which checks all the client’s requirements, minimises their involvement and business inconvenience. Our advocates and attorneys-at-law always closely cooperate with the clients on every stage of the process, keeping in mind all the business consequences and risks that might occur as a result of the litigation. We use innovative solutions and new technologies, which enables us to reduce the costs.
We are prepared to manage the biggest and most complex trials, not only as representants of the claimant, but also as respondents. We provide legal representation in the whole country of Poland. In cases where specialised knowledge is needed, we consult with experts, specialists and scientists of the given field.
We conduct cases that, inter alia, concern legal agreements, debt collection, insurance and many more.