She gained her experience by working in many law firms in Katowice and Warsaw that were specialising in providing legal services to business entities. She takes the main interest in civil, administrative, banking and environmental law. She also gained her experience in the office of a bailiff, courts and a prosecutor office.
Aleksandra Śleziak-Paturalska is a member of the Bar Association in Katowice, she graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Silesia in Katowice as well as the University of Economics in Katowice. She finished second degree studies at the Faculty of Finance and Accounting and has a bachelor's degree in management. She also has a diploma of the Google Campus in the area of Performance Marketing and Social Media.
She was a participant and an organiser of plenty of conferences held by Polska Izba Ekologii where the debated topics concerned environmental protection, air protection, waste management, water and sewage management, environmental impact, reclamation of the post-industrial areas and many more.